Scottish Handball News

August 17, 2021, 4:09 pm
COVID-19 Update - 09.08.21

The First Minister provided a Covid-19 update on 22 June 2021 and confirmed publication of an updated Strategic Framework (June 2021) and that a Review of Physical Distancing has been completed following the accelerated rollout of the vaccination programme.

A further update was provided on 3 August 2021 confirming that all of Scotland will move 'Beyond Level 0' on August 9th. 

Therefore, protection levels guidance for sport and physical activity continues to be provided within this document along with additional information for ‘Beyond Level 0’. A summary of changes relating to ‘Beyond Level 0’ is available in Appendix 2 in sportscotland's Return to Sport and Physical Activity guidance

July 19, 2021, 1:50 pm
Annual General Meeting 2021

SAVE THE DAY – SHA Virtual AGM (MS - Teams)
Tuesday 14th Sept (19:00-20:30) 


July 8, 2021, 12:01 pm
New Kit Partnership Announcement

The Scottish Handball Association are delighted to announce an exciting new partnership with leading sports manufacturer Joma and Scottish retailler FN Teamwear. 

June 25, 2021, 4:19 pm
Conversations with ... Ep. 2 JJ Rowland

Iain chats to JJ Rowland (Director Business Development & Marketing at EHF) about his past, his links to handball in Britain, the EHF Masterplan and how Scotland (the rest of the UK British Handball) can work together to continue to develop grassroots handball across the country

June 21, 2021, 3:41 pm
Success at the SHA Youth Friendly Event

It was a long 15 months with no indoor handball allowed in Scotland... However last weekend, youth teams finally got to return to competition!

April 21, 2021, 2:53 pm
SHA Virtual International Conference

Beyond Winning and Losing; Collaborating for more important results

28th - 29th April - 3pm BST (catch-up available) 

March 31, 2021, 5:27 pm

The British Handball Association is to receive up to £375,000 over the four-year Paris 2024 Olympic Games cycle (2021-2024) from the UK Sport ‘National Squads Support Fund’.

March 2, 2021, 12:36 pm
Sport to Help Nation's Recovery

Minister for Sport, Mairi Gougeon, and leading figures from Scottish sport have met to discuss the ongoing response to COVID-19 and the role sport and physical activity will play in the nation’s recovery. 

February 25, 2021, 11:26 am
International Transfer Certificate

The EHF have launched a new online International Transfer system, which makes the international player transfer process more efficient. Therefore, we now require all players who do not have a British Passport and who have not done so already, to be transferred to the Scottish Handball Association. 

November 29, 2020, 9:39 pm
Scottish Women & Girls in Sport Week

We stepped up our involvement with the Scottish Women & Girls in Sport Week (24th to 30th October) this year. We profiled prominent female figures in the Scottish Handball community and ran a social media competitions to spread awareness of the sport and to encourage schools to give handball a shot. We wanted to share female handball players' experiences to showcase what can  be achieved as a female handball player in scotland whilst also opening up a dialogue regarding views on current barriers to women participating in the sport.