EHF Master Plan 360

The EHF Master Plan 360                                                      

The Scottish Handball Association has signed an agreement with the European Handball Federation as part of their Master Plan project, which looks to create sustainable development of handball across member nations. Our plan is broken down in three phases which span October 2022 to September 2025. 

Phase One Objectives

For phase one, the SHA in agreement with the EHF will focus on the following sections:
•    School handball (both primary and secondary school level).
•    Building the workforce to assist with school delivery.
•    Strengthen coordination of regional schools and clubs.
•    Increase female participation in handball.
•    Strengthen the coach development structure 

There are three agreed initiatives for phase one set out to achieve the above objectives. These intiatives are supported by a range of KPIs which are monitoried across the Phase. 

Initiative one - Primary Schools & Women's Game 

Initiative one focuses mainly on the development of handball at the primary school stage & increasing the number of women & girls playing the sport. The breakdown of this section focuses on making handball the indoor sport of choice for primary schools especially children aged 8 years old to 11 years old. The SHA during the first year will work closely with 10 selected local authorities, the selected local authorities should be close to clubs (where possible). The main aim of this section is to deliver handball to primary school children during class time by sport leaders, teachers, or students. Following the delivery, the interested participants should have the opportunity to attend an after-school club and sessions at the local club (where possible). Finally, this initiative also focuses on the growth of the women & girls game. The plan states a target of 10% increase in the number of registered female members and growth at University club level. 

Initiative two - Secondary School

This initiative focuses primarily on the development of handball in secondary schools and strengthen the relationships with schools that are close to existing handball clubs. The work within secondary schools will focus on an increase in the number of schools delivering handball in curriculum time and developing a competitive structure for secondary schools to compete in handball.

Initiative three - Coach Education 

Initiative three focuses on developing the workforce and raising the coaching standards for the preparation of joining the RINCK Convention (RC). The RINCK Convention is an agreement between European handball associations to bring a standard and equal form to coaching levels. It creates equivalent coaching qualifications for all nations that will be recognised throughout Europe in the handball world.


After phase one of the plan, initiatives within phases two and three will be shaped accordingly. 


If you would like to get involved in our Schools Programmes, please have a look at the Schools section on our website